
Open Database of Jain Temples

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Jain Temples

Open Database of Jain Temples


At the time of starting this project, there was no community driven constantly updated database of Jain Temples.

How to Contribute

Read contribution guide for details on submitting pull request and content structure.

How it will be used

The main purpose of this repository is to act as static, version controlled Database of Jain Temples. We want this to be the most exhaustive, community driven database of Jain Temples You can use this database as you deem fit. Possible use cases:

  1. Create a searchable portal of Jain Temples
  2. Publist website of Jain Temples
  3. API of Jain Temples


Maintainers (Current)

Users who have write access to this repository

Apply for becoming Maintainer (for Write Access to this repository)

Other Database Projects/List

  1. jainmandir.org (~7200 Temples)
  2. Wikipedia (~280 Temples)
  3. jaindata.com (~190 Temples)